Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Telephone Started Ringing ...Ringing...Ringing....Ringing Off...

I have spent the last couple days thinking about the life of mine and how short we are actually here for. I mean what is the point unless you have someone to share it with. I think about this a lot, seeing how I am trying to mend a broken heart, I sometimes feel like we are wasting time, precious time. All I want to say is that this life we are given is short and I wouldn't want anything more than to spend my every waking second by your side. I know you have a lot of obstacles as you put it to work out, why not let me help you with them? why not allow the feels your heart tells you to ring true. I don't have a problem with my reality construct, as you know my heart is true and honest. It simply needs to be said that I can't bare not loving you the rest of my life. I know you gave me a chance to prove my self to you, and things didn't go as planned. But I have come to the conclusion that everything happens for a reason. I needed to become who I am today so I can be a happy man. I miss you terribly and want nothing more than to wake hand and hand with you until the day I die. Listen to your heart, listen to reason, listen to the butterflies that raise you off your feet when I am near. I love you so very much and I will never give up on this, I will never give up on us. And you are a part of me, you are my home and I am your home. Come back home !

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