Friday, September 23, 2011

The King Of Mash-UP

Greg Gillis or as many of us know him as Girl Talk. This man has made me dance more times then I'd like to say, on top of that I know the words to some pretty stupid rap songs know. All in good play I have learned to appreciate all types of music and Greg showed me that is very possible. I had a chance to go see him in concert once and it was seriously off the chain. He invited all of the audience up on stage with him to dance the night away. I was so sweaty by the end of the night I could hardly stand it. I found myself dancing with complete strangers and bumping and grinding without inhibition. I first heard Girl Talk back in high school, he was an idol of mine for along time actually, I found it very interesting that he was almost sued for his  use of other people music. I believe he is only allowed to use somewhere around 6 to 5 seconds of another artist song if he plans on selling his album. I find this completely fucked in my opinion, because the music he is making is completely different and of his own  style. More power to him and his work in creative commons and mastering the art of mash-up.... kudos. I know a girl who likes to sing Girl Talk, and her friend actually recorded her singing one of his songs without her knowledge, just thought that was kinda funny. Wish I could have been there for that !

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